Sunday, June 22, 2008

CitiPhone Alumni


If you have been informed to come to this page, you are therefore welcome/invited/highly encouraged in another words, MUST attend the upcoming CitiPhone alumni reunion cum farewell for dear uncle Lau.
Stay tuned for details of the proposed gathering to be held sometime in July 2008.
There will be a point person to help with RSVP.
Please do keep yourself free and contactable.

1 comment:

Jessie Chng said...

Indeed it is one with lots of mixed feeling. He has groomed most of us and seen us thr' the different stages of our life, from singlehood, to married to parenthood. we too have seen him aged to his current stage of baldness.

It is with lots of regrets that this farewell is organised but it is also our way to say "THANK YOU BOSS FOR EVERYTHING!!!!" Let's make it a one and only unique farewell for our beloved LAU WING CHEW. Let's all put in effort to make it a very very memorable one for him..Jessie Chng